Allmand Employee Keynote Speaker at SCC Careers on Manufacturing Day

Discussed various aspects of manufacturing

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Prospective students will have the opportunity to view manufacturing-related programs of study during a special day on the Milford Campus of Southeast Community College.

SCC’s Careers in Manufacturing Day is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 17, on the Milford Campus at 600 State St.

Registration and continental breakfast begin the day at 8:30 a.m. in the Dunlap Center. That will be followed by keynote speaker Afton Hollertz, a graduate of SCC’s Manufacturing Engineering Technology program who is a continuous improvement engineer for Allmand Bros. Inc. She also is involved in SME, an organization for individuals, students, educators, and companies involved in all facets of manufacturing, and the Society of Women Engineers.

After lunch a panel of speakers will discuss various aspects of manufacturing and manufacturing-related topics. Panel speakers are Jeff Heckman of General Dynamics in Lincoln; Hollertz of Allmand Bros. Inc.; Cole Couillard of Hexagon Mfg.; James Holder, an SCC Manufacturing Engineering student; Mike Berg, SCC Precision Machining instructor; and Tony DeLong, SCC Nondestructive Testing instructor. SCC Admissions Representative Joel Dickinson is the panel moderator.

“Careers in Manufacturing Day will be a fun, informative day to learn about the careers offered in our world of manufacturing,” Dickinson said. “It also will be a day to learn about the SCC Programs of Study that prepare students for those exciting careers. High school students and their teachers will have an opportunity to see programs, technology, visit with SCC instructors, students and advisors up close and personal. It will be a great day of learning about exciting, lucrative, rewarding manufacturing careers for all involved.”

For more information contact Stu Osterthun, Administrative Director of Public Information and Marketing, at 402-323-3401 or